How to secure bridging finance fast

14 Mar 2022

Commercial Acceptances is a proven source for urgent bridging loans. Bridging finance is a short-term loan which is secured against residential property, commercial property, or land. CA bridging finance is suitable for property investors and developers who need funding quickly.

Here is our guide on how to get a bridging loan.

How to apply for a bridging loan

To get the ball rolling, either pick up the phone and talk to one of our lenders (020 3857 6350) or email us at Your application will then be reviewed to check that the requirement is eligible for a CA loan.

Bridging loan eligibility

  • Our loans are only available to professional property investors and developers including private individuals, partnerships and limited companies.
  • We do not lend to owner-occupiers or on properties where a family member does or will reside.
  • We examine your property-related experience and will expect you to have completed similar projects in the past.
  • We will need to be satisfied that there is a realistic exit strategy be it sale of a completed development or long-term refinance.

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Our bridging loan criteria

CA requires a legal first charge over the property as security. If the borrower is a company, we will need Personal Guarantees from the shareholders and a Debenture.

To determine if a bridging loan is a suitable funding option for a borrower, we will look into the following quickly, but in detail:

  • The credit profile of the prospective borrower
  • The viability of the project
  • The applicants’ previous experience
  • The type of asset
  • The location of the property
  • The exit strategy
  • The equity contribution
  • The identity of the tenant/s and lease terms, if applicable
  • If the applicant or a family member resides or plans to live in the property to be offered as security, we will be unable to assist

If the application is for a property that has planning permission for an alternative use or offers planning potential, where appropriate and/or available we will require:

  • A copy of the planning permission
  • A feasibility study
  • Site plans and elevations
  • A breakdown of build costs
  • Details of the contractor and professional team
  • Evidence that you have completed similar projects in the past

If the application is for a tenanted residential or commercial property, we will also require the following information:

  • The rent passing from the property
  • Length and unexpired term and type of the lease/s
  • Additionally, for commercial properties, background information on the tenant/s
  • Evidence that the rent is paid up to date

Our bridging loan process

  • Initial application
  • Heads of Terms
  • Due diligence, KYC (know your customer) and account opening formalities
  • Panel valuers quote
  • Once terms and the valuers quote are accepted by the applicant, we instruct valuers
  • Solicitors instructed (loans remain subject to formal approval at this stage)
  • Formal approval process and once approved the formal offer letter is issued
  • Completion
  • Repayment/Renewal

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Your bridging loan agreement in principle

If your loan requirement satisfies our criteria, we will provide you with a decision in principle via our Heads of Terms. This document will include the following:

  • The type of product proposed
  • The loan term
  • The loan amount
  • The loan-to-value (LTV)
  • The interest rate
  • Any other fees and charges
  • An estimate of our solicitor’s and valuer’s professional charges (these will be confirmed before their appointment)
  • A schedule detailing any other information we will require to progress your application

Moving forward with your loan


If you are happy with the Heads of Terms and wish to proceed, we will send you our account opening documentation. Once these forms are returned, together with any other information we have requested, we will progress your application.


We always undertake due diligence and KYC on all parties to the loan which must be satisfactory.


We then instruct one of our panel valuers to inspect the property and to provide a formal valuation report. The fee for this valuation plus VAT must be paid by the applicant before the valuers are instructed.  In most cases, we simultaneously appoint one of our panel solicitors. In turn, they will contact your solicitor to provide a list of Standard Mortgage enquiries. We strongly advise you to nominate a firm with good knowledge and experience in dealing with secured lending finance and with a minimum of three partners. Your solicitors will be requested to provide a cost undertaking to our solicitors.


You can usually expect the valuation report to be returned within 72 hours of inspection. If the valuation report is satisfactory, we will prepare and submit a formal application to CA’s internal Credit department. Once formally approved, the team will issue an offer letter.


We will remain in continual contact with our solicitor and will provide the applicant with regular updates until the loan is completed. The Lending Manager appointed will be readily contactable to discuss any queries that might arise.

Are you ready to move forward with your property loan?

Apply now by telephoning 020 3857 6350 or emailing us at and speak to a member of our lending team today.

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